How Do Search Engines Work?
Matt Cutts explains how search engines work. Find out more about how Google works. This will help you understand how key words rank in Google.
This video helps you understand what process is used to make changes to Google algorithms everyday. Each idea for changes goes through rigorous scientific testing and discussion. This will help you understand how complicated fine tuning a search engine algorithm can be.
Learn how Google ranks websites. This will help you understand how your website is ranked.
The videos above will definitely help you understand how search engines work. However, you should be aware that search engine algorithms are constantly changing (mostly for the better). With those changes, some of the work you’ve put into your website may be helpful whereas some may not be so helpful. Truthfully, your goal should be about consistent ranking, especially after an algorithm update.
That being said, consistent ranking can be difficult, especially if others are “leapfrogging” you after an update. In most instances, those “leapfroggers” will be brought back down to reality once the algorithm is able to make the right updates.
SEO is about multiple approaches, limited the effect one approach has on your overall performance (especially in rankings). At WebNet International, we treat SEO and ranking as a wheel with multiple spokes. The wheel rolls more effectively with more spokes. Each spoke gives added support to the wheel and allows it to function seamlessly.
If you want to know more about our approach, let us know. We want to see you succeed!
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